Sunday, April 19, 2020

On the Pulse of Morning free essay sample

Morning Maya Angelou is a stunning writer who has a way of capturing her readers to the core. In her poem â€Å"On The Pulse Of Morning† she uses a voice of renewal of hope for mankind. She used this poem in a speech that in the moment, introduced a former President of the United States. This poem was used to motivate a nation of hopeless and ungrateful people. Angelous tone in this piece is one of power and love. She is very consistent in communicating the truth of peoples destruction and then the truth of how one can attain more if they choose it. Angelou opens up the poem stating the change in the earthly nature. â€Å"A Rock, A River, A Tree Hosts to species long since departed, Marked the mastodon, The dinosaur, who left dried tokens, of their sojourn here, on our planet floor. † (Angelou, 1. ) She goes on to say that the earth cries as we stand in the shadows of ignorance. We will write a custom essay sample on On the Pulse of Morning or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The earth sings songs of beauty, offering rest to humanity, and humanities pride spits a broken hatred. The conflict is ugly and unfair to people and nature, but it shouldnt have to ever be this way. Angelou describes this conflict in such a way that it stirs your mind and drives her readers to respond. Angelou proceeds to point out a war between people. She speaks of race, religion, sexual preferences, the rich, the needy and the teacher. That every human knows of the love that nature offers humanity. â€Å"I am the Tree planted by the River, Which will not be moved. I, the Rock, I, the River, I, the Tree, I am yours your passages have been paid. † (Angelou, 2. ) No matter how much quarrel reigns between humanity, the earth refuses to bow down to it. The earth is in the palm of humanities hands. Even through hatred for one another, she calls humanity to remember natures beauty and that we are responsible to respond to it. Maya proceeds to introduce the meaning behind this pieces title. â€Å"On The Pulse Of Morning† could mean so many things to so many people, but throughout the words there is one clear meaning. Angelou states, â€Å"Lift up your faces, you have a piercing need For this bright morning dawning for you. † (2. ) She is telling all that there is a brightness on the pulse of the morning and that we need to rise up to the light that it brings. Not just the light of the sunrise, but the light of the peace, the strength and the dreams that each individual rightly owns. The world cries out in pain that can never be erased. â€Å"History, despite its wrenching pain, Cannot be un-lived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. † (Angelou, 2. ) Angelou teaches us about pure selfishness, hate and discrimination. She also teaches that there is resolve. Angelous attitude may seem extremely harsh to some, but that was quite possibly what needed to be, to speak to the soul of the nation. Her goal was to bring the President forward in such a manner that it would bring a new light and a new desire and drive to the people. She creates an imagery so clear that it brings out emotions. She showed the world that it is our responsibly to stand up and stop living in such a filthy and disrespectful way. Angelou proceeds to say â€Å"Lift up your eyes upon the day breaking for you. Give birth again, to the dream. † (2. ) The power behind this had to have opened peoples ears. This is the defining turn and gives hope and a new idea to the people of the United States at the inauguration. People must have felt as if they were dragged through the guilt of their own personal actions, brought to the truth of unity between nature and humanity and then smacked straight across the face with grace. Angelou speaks of what everyone craves to dream. Yet humanity gets so caught up in disaster, hate and evil that they loose sight of the beauty of their pure childhood dreams. Every soul longs for more and sometimes that soul becomes weak. Angelou then proceeds to simply tell all to take their dream in their hands, mold their need and lift their heart. Every moment is the chance for a new beginning. This was a stronghold for Bill Clinton to stand up and grasp his new beginning and help his nation do the same. Even through any fears that surly resounded within him, he chose to fight that and live his dream. â€Å"Here, on the pulse of this fine day, You may have the courage, To look up and out and upon me, the Rock, the River, the Tree, your country. † (Angelou, 3. ) Not only did Angelou and Clinton have this moment together, they brought the land and nation together to stand in courage. Here, on the pulse of this new day, You may have the grace to look up and out, And into your sisters eyes and into Your brothers face, your country, And say simply, Very simply, With hope, Good morning. † (Angelou, 3. ) To be a fly on the wall in the moment of that speech must have been an honor. If the ending to this poem doesnt impact an individual to the core of their soul than they need to try again. Everyone has failures and trials , and with that, a new breath, a new morning to open their eyes to an old or new dream or goal. Maya Angelou couldnt have painted a clearer picture for herself, the President or the people.

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