Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Biometric Systems Essay Example For Students

Biometric Systems Essay Biometric SystemsAs defined in Computer Security Basics by OReilly ; Associates, Inc. Biometrics is the use of a persons unique physiological, behavioral, andmorphological characteristics to provide positive personal identification. Biometric systems that are currently avaiable today examine fingerprints,handprints, and retina patterns. Systems that are close to biometrics but arenot classified as such are behavioral systems such as voice, signature andkeystroke systems. They test patterns of behavior not parts of the body. It seems that in the world of biometrics that the more effective thedevice, the less willing people will be to accept it. Retina pattern devicesare the most reliable but most people hate the idea of a laser shooting intotheir eye. Yet something such as monitoring keystroke patters people dont mind,but its not nearly as effective. Biometric verification is forecast to be a multibillion dollar market inthis decade. There is no doubt that financial credit and debit cards are goingto be the biggest part of the biometric market. There are also manysignificant niche markets which are growing rapidly. For example, biometricidentification cards are being used at a university in Georgia to allow studentsto get their meals, and in a Maryland day care center to ensure that the rightperson picks up the right child. In Los Angeles, they are using fingerprints tostop welfare fraud. And theyre also being used by frequent business travellersfor rapid transit through immigration and customs in Holland, and now at JFK andNewark airports in the United States. It could also be used to simply preventone employee from punching in for some one else, or to prevent someone fromopening up an account at a bank using a false name. Then there is also thesecurity access market, access to computer databases, to premises and a varietyof oth er areas. The Sentry program made by Fingerprint Technologies uses several devicesat once. The system first prompts for a user name and password. Then they musthave their fingerprint scan match what is on record. They can also use a videocamera for real time video to capture photographs which can be incorporated intothe data base. The time to scan and gain entrance to the building take from 6to 10 seconds depending on what other information the operator wishes the userto enter. The system also keeps on record three of the individuals fingerpatterns incase one of the others is injured. Biometrics is still relatively new to most people and will remainexpensive to purchase good equipment until it becomes more popular and thetechnology gets better. And as people become more aware of how the systems workthey will become more accepting of the more secure systems and not shy away fromthem as much. The future of access control security is literally in the hands,eyes, voice, keystroke, and signature of everyone. Computers and Internet

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